Black demo update devlog

Hey everyone, With the time offered by 'the thing that must not be named', I have been working hard on laying out the next content demo's.

You may ask whats with jumping from White to Black? Is there a problem? have I given up?

Nope :) The White demo is actually coming together quite well, it will be shorter then the Red demo only because I have less to work with. As I have stated in other posts, this is more of a learning experience then a magnum opus video game, so Weiss's section effectively is one long boss fight, which is having me learn Boss design. Which means progress can only go so far before I need the Boss... And that large piece of commission art takes time.

You can see some of the fantastic work done by Christopher Kelsall in the pictures above.

So rather then let time pass me by while waiting, I decided to jump into the Black demo... or at least the prep work. Adapting the much more colourful Black trailer has let my mind run wild trying out particle effects and lighting... for an one person indie fan game i'm quite proud of how it looks.

If you look at the second video you can spot a new enemy type that I've started as well, small Nevermores. I hope they turn out to be as annoying/challenging as I plan.

Well I never know how to end these things so....

thanks for reading/watching/playing.

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